Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tea of the Week-Youthberry

My parents and brother just go back from Florida and they brought me back tea from Teavana! They know me so well. I missed them so much while they were gone but now I'm excited to post about all the tea swag they brought me!

What I find really interesting about the tea they brought me back is that the two kinds can be combined together! I didn't know that was even allowed! So this weeks tea of the week is part of a three week "series" of teas. First I will tell you about both of the teas separately and then I will tell you about the teas mixed together. I'm pretty excited about it, I hope you are!

But first, I HAVE to tell you about the awesome tea infuser that my parents got me. I've seen things like it but I wasn't sure if I would really use it but now I'm sold! It's so exciting to use. It's the teavana perfect tea maker. It's a tea steeper (is that a word?) that is supposed to allow the tea leaves to unfurl and expand while the tea is steeping. And you know me, I'm all about unfurled tea leaves! ;) Basically what you do is you put the tea leaves in the chamber, add the water and let is steep, then you put the tea maker on top of your mug and the tea flows out into your cup! A-MAZ-ING! I've used it twice so far and I already love it!

And now, on to this weeks tea, Youthberry! Youthberry is a white tea with candied pineapple and mango pieces with Fuji, Golden Delicious apples, Red currant and açai berry. So far I haven't been a huge fan of white tea, I can't exactly put my finger on what I don't like about them but this tea is an exception. It's light and fruity and sweet. I love it, and I can't wait to see what it tastes like mixed with next week's tea of the week! As I am writing this blogpost I am trying it for the first time and I already know I am going to miss it when I run out of it. It's so delicious.

What's your favourite tea this week?

1 comment:

  1. Oh girl, you can definitely combine teas... It's like a useful rendition of chemistry class. And a tasty one at that. Those are the best experiments of all ;)


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